Who are we ?
We are a Moroccan meteorite trading company. Our goal is to provide a standardized service for the exchange and sale of meteorites to the world. In doing so, we hope to be able to make the meteorite trade transparent and easy to access in our country. Our dream is to bring meteorites and impactites to as many research institutions and private collectors as possible!

Information About Meteorites
A meteorite is a rock that originates in outer space before reaching the ground. Whilst this rock is still in space it is called a meteoroid. When it enters the Earth’s atmosphere it becomes a meteor. The fireball it forms as a meteor is colloquially referred to as a shooting star. Meteorites give us detailed information about the composition, history and appearance of other celestial bodies. This is crucial to understand the origin of the Earth, Solar System and entire universe. Meteorites also give us information about how physical and chemical reactions happen in space, some of which are necessary for the development of life.
Meteorites, specially when they are fresh, have peculiar characteristics such as fusion crust. These features are indicators of the last dramatic seconds of a meteorite’s journey into the Earth, when crossing the atmosphere.
Currently, scientists are dividing meteorites into 2 groups: undifferentiated and differentiated: whether or not major chemical or physical changes in large parent bodies occurred. Chondrites (see below) comprise the entire undifferentiated group and the rest of meteorites the differentiated group. This division is necessary for scientists as it is precise. There is a more visually intuitive classification that was once used in science and many people still follow that is based on the appearance. In this classification there are 3 main types of meteorites: stony, iron and stony-iron.

Easy meteorite clasification

Extended meteorite classification

Complex meteorite classification